What is Physical Therapy?

Physical therapy is a health care profession that provides numerous benefits for those with limited mobility and impaired functioning capacities. The goal of physical therapy is retrieving the physical abilities that were lost due to the aging process, injury, disease, surgery, or environmental factors.

About Physical Therapists

Intensive Education and Clinical Expertise...

Physical therapists apply research and proven techniques to help restore lost function. All physical therapists are now required to receive a degree from an accredited physical therapist program before taking the national licensure examination that allows them to practice. State licensure is required in each state in which a physical therapist practices. They are trusted health care professionals with extensive clinical experience who examine, diagnose, and then prevent or treat conditions that limit the body’s ability to move and function in daily life. Physical therapists diagnose and treat people of all ages, including newborns, children, adults, and elderly individuals. They may consult and practice with other health professionals to help you improve your mobility.

It is easy to access a physical therapist. In Idaho, and most states, you can make an appointment with Caldwell Physical Therapy directly, without a physician’s referral.

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Benefits of Physical Therapy

  1. Preventing the progression of conditions resulting from an injury or disease
  2. Improving the ability to move and function
  3. Regaining lost mobility
  4. Restoring and improving flexibility
  5. Aquiring better balance
  6. Restoring or increasing joint range of motion
  7. Preventing future physical failure
  8. Increasing or maintaining muscle strength
  9. Significantly improving the overall fitness and health of the patient

Common problems treated by a Physical Therapist.

  • Arthritis
  • Back Pain
  • Neck pain
  • Knee Pain
  • Osteoporosis
  • Overuse Injuries
  • Shoulder Pain
  • Stroke
  • Sprains, strains, and fractures
  • And much more.
About Physical Therapy
Physical therapy is a health care profession that provides numerous benefits for those with limited mobility and impaired functioning capacities. Learn more
Caldwell Physical Therapy will use the latest methods and technologies to speed you down the path to recovery. Learn more about the treatments we use.
Our Location
On the West Valley Medical Center campus in the Caldwell Medical Arts Building.

Click here for a map and driving directions.